Page 25
  • Paniikkikohtaus

    maaliskuu 1st, 2015

    Olen ottanut vahvasti vaikutteita Manu Larcenet’lta.
    Tuo ”you disappoint me”-kommentti on pelkistetty ja riisuttu alkuperäisestä kontekstista. Elän siinä toivossa, että ko. kommentin kirjoittaja ei toiminut pahoin aikein, vaan pelleili. Hän ei voinut tietää, mitä minulle saattaa tapahtua, koska en tiennyt itsekään.

    For this comic, I have taken heavy influence from Manu Larcenet.
    That ”you disappoint me” comment has been simplified and taken off the original context. I live in a hope that the commentator was not acting in ill means, but was being cheeky. They could not possibly know, what might happen to me, because I did not know it myself.

  • Pahat tavat

    maaliskuu 1st, 2015

    ”Yaay! And then the next disc!”

    TV: *plays the ending tune of series*

    ”Huh? Last episode was episode 5?”

    TV: House of Eliott – episode 9


    TV: *plays the intro tune*

    ”I think I accidentally skipped the whole ending of the first season.”

    ”I thought I had slept over it!”

    Bad habit while watching series:
    ”If I rest my eyes a little bit.”

    Three hours pass:


  • Vähän vanha juonikuvio

    maaliskuu 1st, 2015

    ”I really do not like those adultery sideplots!”

    TV series: ”We have to stop meeting like this!”

  • Gallup

    helmikuu 24th, 2015

    ”Considering this blog is one year old, I shall have a query.

    Replies can also be sent privately to my email.
    Address is in the front page of the blog.”
    ”- What would you like to see me focus on my work?
    – What you like so far?
    – What you’d like to see improve?”

    ”- Anything that irks you about my art?
    – Stuff you want to see me draw?”
    ”Oh yeah, and I’d like to know who all read these comics, even irregularly.
    Leave a comment to the comment box, please?”

  • Kyseenalainen koriste

    helmikuu 24th, 2015

    Thinking: ”Is that Ikea bag tied on that oak branch?”

  • Toivo herää

    helmikuu 23rd, 2015

    Thinking: ”Why did I forbid myself everything I like to eat?”


    Thinking: ”I did not forbid the pepperoni peppers!”

    Thinking: ”This is SO gonna come back and bite me in the arse.”

  • Vilkas mielikuvitus

    helmikuu 23rd, 2015

    Happened on Valentine’s Day:

    ”Shall we toast for the Valentine’s?”

    ”I have heard that one shouldn’t toast with water glasses…

    But I suppose it does not make my head fall off!”

    ”And Satan won’t emerge, if one toasts with water glasses.”


    ”Well, what’s bothering you?”

  • Blogin vuosipäivä

    helmikuu 22nd, 2015

    ”My blog reaches a year today. During that year, I have established my  style and improved.

    I would like to thank all my supporters, readers, commentators and likers.

    You are the wind beneath my wings!”

  • Törkee vitutus

    helmikuu 21st, 2015

    ”I am fucking pissed off! RAAAAH!!”

  • Inhoamani sarjakuvaklisee

    helmikuu 21st, 2015

    The comic cliché I hate the most:

    ”Dude wants to eat the friends of his son? Pretty sick!”

    Sepe ”Iso Paha” Susi © Disney