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  • Deittailu

    marraskuu 2nd, 2018

    Me: ”I have been single for almost a year now.”

    ”I went to dates with some guys last autumn. Another one never took any contact after the first date.”

    Me: ”And another one I fell out of contact with half accidentally. Oops.”
    ”Last time we met at Book Expo (2017). Then, in December, I focused in work, eating and sleeping.”

    ”So, the communication kinda was left out. Now in March, I don’t have the guts to send messages.”
    Me: ”But then again, I guess he was not THAT into me, either.”

    ”I am a little worried, tho… What if I never fall in love again?”

    ”What if no one falls in love with me?”

  • Siivotonta

    maaliskuu 11th, 2018

    Me: ”It’s no use! We will drown in this mess!!”

  • …tun ystävänpäivä

    maaliskuu 11th, 2018

    Me: ”It is not even February yet, and Valentine’s day is distressing me.”

    Me: ”I am single. I probably won’t be invited anywhere. No one is available, if I invite anyone.”

    Me: ”Valentine’s treats are always loaded with sugar, so I can’t even bake for myself…”

    Me thinking: ”But what if I make a sandwich cake?”

    Me thinking: ”And watch maybe a couple of splatter movies!”

  • Syitä elää

    helmikuu 25th, 2018


    I am in bed, thinking: ”What are my reasons to live?”

    1. Osku would wait me hopelessly to return to home.

    2. I promised Miia that we would visit one park in spring.
    Me: ”Yeah, we could go…”

    3. I would also love to see the birds’ spring move.

  • Voi ei

    joulukuu 23rd, 2017

    Me: ”I feel this is gonna be an easy day!”

    Customer 1: ”Come cash me out!”
    Driver: ”Come open the door for me!”
    Boss: ”You have four trolleys to shelve!”
    Customer 2: ”Come open the beer cabinets!”
    Me, thinking: ”Oh no.”


    Inspas/Inspired by:

  • Sisustus

    joulukuu 22nd, 2017

    Me: ”Now that I have had regular income and my own space, I have decorated.”

    My walls have been empty, so I framed some posters and hung them on the wall.
    Me: ”Hmm.”

    My nails did not bite the wall.
    Luckily, there are hanging strips.
    [They have an adhesive side and velcro-kind of side]
    Me: ”They don’t leave ugly marks!”
    Me: ”I bought plants, too!”

    Me: ”I had to place them both up my bookshelf, because Osku is a bad kitty.”
    I added a string of led lights inside a plastic skull. And I got myself a colour changing ambient light.

  • Pienestä kiinni

    joulukuu 20th, 2017

    Me, thinking: ”Shitty walking weather!”

    Me thinking: ”Fucking drivers!”
    [I notice a cat at the window of a cat hotel.]
    Me thinking: ”Actually, this is a really good walk!”

  • TW: Itsevahingoittaminen/self harm

    joulukuu 18th, 2017

    Varoituksen sanana: Artikkelissa on itsevahingoittamis-ideoita, ja henkistä pahaa oloa.
    En ole vaaraksi itselleni, enkä muille.

    Warning: This article contains thoughts of self harm. I am not a threat to myself or to others.
    I tried to be hopefully positive in my hobbies.
    Me thinking: ”Maybe I will get a lovely message tomorrow.”

    I spoke about it in the forums too.
    Then I found out, people had misinterpreted my attitude.
    Moderator: ”If you could be less passive-aggressive?”
    I tried to learn and adapt.
    Me: ”For now on, I will try to acknowledge my behavior better!”
    But I ended up getting a panic attack, anyway.

    Me: ”If positive hopefulness is not alright, what other choices do I have?
    Giving everyone some icy hard time?”
    Release me from this, or at least take the knives away!

  • Synttäriyllätys

    joulukuu 16th, 2017

    It was my birthday on the 7th of August.

    Me: ”I don’t need a receipt!”

    [I write on the card.]

    [I drop the card in my mail slot.]

    Me: ”Oh, what a surprise!”

  • Lorottaja

    joulukuu 14th, 2017

    [I hear someone urinating in the apartments above. Drizzling against the toilet bowl.]
    [Drizzling seems to continue forever.]
    Me: ”Oh for the love of God, you drizzler! That is not normal, go seek medical help!”