Category: Elämä
    Page 8
  • Viesti pösilölle

    tammikuu 8th, 2016

    ”My dear customer.”

    ”I have eight years of experience of cashier work. The total amount on the receipt has never been allowed to exceed the sum in the paying commitment.”

    ”I was right, you were wrong!

    ”You dared to yell to a customer servant; you are just a miserable bully.
    You taught your children that maybe causing a ruckus might help you get things your way.”

    ”Let it be the last time, you raise your voice toward a customer servant.
    You should be ashamed of yourself, grown up human being.”

  • ”Kahvi, tee vai kaakao?”

    tammikuu 6th, 2016

    Leviathan asked: ”Coffee, tea or cocoa?”

    Me: ”Well, coffee certainly is out of the question!”
    ”Fucking ew.”

    And I don’t believe the caffeine is too good for my blood circulation.
    Me: ”I don’t feel well.”
    Me: ”Tea or cocoa I drink rather seldom.”
    My favourite tea is organic green tea spiced with mango.
    Me: ”And sometimes I drink peppermint brew, which can’t be called tea, because it does not have any tea plant’s leaves in it.”

  • Kuukauden blogi?

    tammikuu 3rd, 2016

    ”My blog is the featured blog of the month!”


    ”And now that my fifteen minutes of fame are over, what should I think of next?”
    ”I could start sketching that lyric comic, I could reply a couple of questions, a travel update at one point, and I have a couple of new ideas, too…”

  • Hius

    tammikuu 3rd, 2016

    Me thinking: ”A hair off my head!”

    ”Eleven splits must be a new personal record!”

  • Arat limakalvot (sisältövaroitus: veri)

    tammikuu 3rd, 2016

    [I snort and snuffle]

    Me: ”Ehh, wha…?”
    Me: ”Well then.”

    [I groan while walking]
    Me thinking: ”Finally a handkerchief!”

    [I gasp as a sneeze starts]
    [I sneeze]
    [I snort]

  • Liikunnasta

    tammikuu 1st, 2016

    Miia commented: ”It would be nice to read more updates about your exercise.
    How do you exercise, if you exercise for an hour a day? Was it hard to start?
    Is it hard to manage?”

    Me: ”I mostly walk.”
    ”I changed my route to run errands and to work.”
    I live within a seven minute walk from the station.
    Me: ”NOOOOO!”
    Although it does not guarantee catching the train.

    Me: ”And because seven minutes is not enough, I have started to walk either to Leinelä’s station or to Rekola’s station.”
    ”One walks to Leinelä in half an hour and to Rekola in little less than half an hour.”

    Me: ”And on the way to home, same change is needed.”
    ”This is not executed everyday, though.”

    Starting was not that hard. I just need to reserve more time to get to work.
    Me: ”Oh, better go.”

    On free time, I need to get a grip, naturally.
    Me thinking: ”I wonder if I should’ve gone outside?”
    Me: ”About managing, I can say that this is more of a battle of the spirit rather than flesh.”
    Especially on bad weather!
    Me: ”I am also planning to get myself a swimming hall pass. It’s nice to go to the steam sau– I mean swimming!”

    By the way, I am not sure if it is the effect of the meds or increased exercise, but I have felt more relaxed and calm as of late.
    Me thinking: ”Exceptionally nice feeling!”

  • Verenpaine II

    joulukuu 25th, 2015

    Me: ”An announcement of my blood pressure.”

    I increased the daily exercise about half an hour a day, decreased salt in my diet and made sure I eat enough vegetables.
    Me: ”Bleagh…”
    My blood pressure has not decreased well enough.

    Nurse: ”These numbers are declining, but they could decline better.”

    Me: ”So, nowadays I am enjoying a pill of blood pressure lowering medicine.”
    Me: ”I am attempting to exercise an hour a day, but with bad success.”
    At work, I sometimes have time to eye the salt contents of food items.
    At the moment, the record is held by soy sauce (13,1% of salt).

    Nurse appointments start in mid-January. Before that, I have to move briskly and take it easy.

  • Rakko

    joulukuu 25th, 2015

    ”I have walked more to help my blood pressure to get better. My body thanked me with an insanely achy blister on the sole of my foot.”

  • Janoa

    joulukuu 25th, 2015

    ”I have been thinking about why I update this blog.”

    ”I am not aware enough to make comics that speak out politically.
    And my life is not specifically inspiring.”
    Inner Predator: ”And you are not specifically fun or smart either.”
    Me: ”No one asked you, go to hell.”

    IP: ”Huh, well okay then! I’m just saying that you are not even a specifically good artist either.”
    Me: ”And I will quiet you with drawing a little bit more!”
    Me: ”Although it would be fun not to be thirsty for outside recognition, that might never come.”

  • Mielenhäiriö

    joulukuu 25th, 2015

    Santeri: ”One friend is starting a crowdfunding to get a fancy new tablet.”

    Me: ”Theymm…”

    Me: ”Ewwwww…”

    Me: ”I thought like a FMC HC(*, like ’they should get a real job’.”
    Santeri: ”It happens.”

    (* Full Middle Class citizen, Hopeless Case