joulukuu 20th, 2016
Sisältövaroitus: masennus, itsetuhoiset ajatukset
Trigger warnings for depression and suicidal thinking
Me: ”Somehow I have often thought that being depressed is like being possessed.”
”One thinks thoughts that don’t feel one’s own.”Me, depressed: ”Mostly I am pissed off because of my shitty attitude, idiocy and tardiness.
I would jump in that card board shredder myself, if it did not bring problems to others.”Me: ”It might scare my inner circle of people, and others deny its existence completely.”
Me: ”It actually made me feel better to learn how the thing works on organ level.
It has something to do with amygdala, stress hormone and developing brain.”So, next time:
Someone: ”How can you be like that?!”
Me: ”Depr…”
Someone: ”Depression is whole lotta hooey! You have no reason to be depressed!
It is only in your head!”
Me: ”My unstable childhood environment and unequal treatment in elementary school made my amygdala produce stress hormone non-stop, which damaged my developing brain!
Of course it is in my head!”Someone: ”Oh…”
ETA// Mantelitumake on siis käskenyt jonkun toisen osan pöhöttää kortisolia oikein kunnolla, stressihormoni ei kehity itse mantelitumakkeessa.
Amygdala has commanded some other part of my body to process a lot of stress hormone, it does not develop in the amygdala itself.
Dark Pulse(*
huhtikuu 16th, 2014