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  • Vähän vinossa

    heinäkuu 19th, 2014

    ”I was supposed to use these frames for the comic that was going to go to the tenant committee’s pamphlet.”

    ”I think I don’t dare. It would be the first printed and published comic of my adult life. Even the bubble level shows the frames are crooked.”

  • Hahmot – fem!Badger ja No-Sting

    heinäkuu 19th, 2014

    Piirsin yhdessä välissä oman hahmoni ja yhden kaverin hahmon, kun piti saada piirrettyä kaksi hahmoa kanssakäymässä.

  • Kaveruussuhteiden katoavaisuudesta

    heinäkuu 18th, 2014

    ”Today I lost an online friend from my circles, because I did not agree about something.
    We had been friends for seven years.”

    ”This friend had taken a snapshot without permission of some guy, because the guy’s ass crack was showing.
    I don’t care if someone uses a hat as a shoe, taking secret snapshots is not right. Especially uploading photos to Internet just to mock other people is really low.”

    ”So, I commented that taking pics without permission is not nice. I explained more in my own status update.
    Then I got removed from friendlist and blocked.
    Just yesterday this friend had said: ’I am here if you want to talk’.”

    ”So, that’s it, then. Online friendship of seven years deleted.
    I am not regretting, actually; sometimes a nasty behaviour needs to be confronted and questioned.
    My former friend would have a different tone, if someone had taken pics of her daughter’s cleavage without permission and uploaded those to the net.”

    Thinking: ”Besides, do I even want to be a friend of a person like that?
    I am ugly and really fat; would this person take secret mocking photos of me and upload them to the net, if they did not know me?”

  • Depressiivinen paska iskee takaisin

    heinäkuu 16th, 2014

    ”I was supposed not to have any time for the depressing shit. WHY ME?! WHY NOW?!”

  • Realistiset tulevaisuudensuunnitelmat

    heinäkuu 15th, 2014

    As of late, I have been watching Hercule Poirot solving murder mysteries in Netflix.
    The last case was The Clocks.

    ”Hey, that one guy is played by Jason Watkins. He also plays Herrick in Being Human!”


    Thinking: ”Herrick is one of the craziest vampires. I sure am not going to trust this guy either.”

    At the end of the case:
    ”He really WAS the murderer! I KNEW IT!!”


    ”I could become a private detective, when I grow up!”

  • Melusaaste

    heinäkuu 14th, 2014

    11042014_2 11042014_3

    ”Neighbour must have taken a dog. Now the dog is barking out its loneliness.” // Musta tuntuu, että kyseessä olikin hoitokoira tai koira oppi tavoille, koska viikon kuluttua haukkuminen taukosi. I believe the dog was just being dogsitted or learned to behave, because the barking ended in a week.

  • Huomionkipeyttä

    heinäkuu 13th, 2014



    ”You want attention, huh?”

  • Back In Business

    heinäkuu 12th, 2014

    ”This is the moment…”

    ”Troops, answer this…”

    ”Courageous or a coward?”

    ”The battle may begin!”

    I don’t have the time for depressive shit. Now it’s time to get things done!

  • Hahmo – fem!Badger

    toukokuu 20th, 2014

  • Dark Pulse III

    toukokuu 15th, 2014

    I am just so tired of being negative and spiky towards everyone.
    I wish I never would have to get up.
    No one likes me.
    Or cares about me.

    ”What if you thought about positive things?”

    ”Mmmmh… Go to Hell.”