Page 40
  • Pakkaaminen on helppoa

    heinäkuu 29th, 2014

    ”Well, packing is child’s play! Whatever could go wrong?”

    *shout of pure terror*

    ”Are you just playing there?”


  • Isoimmat hirviöt löytyvät omasta perheestä

    heinäkuu 28th, 2014


  • Vaatemoka

    heinäkuu 27th, 2014

    Running errands in the city central

    ”Well, I certainly picked wrong colour hoodie.”

    Sivuhuomautus: Entisessä kotikaupungissa oli tuohon aikaan Steelfestit, siksi tummanpuhuviin pukeutunutta steel-kansaa oli niin paljon. ||
    My former home town had a steel music festival at the time, therefore there was so much dark-clothed steel posse around.

  • Suosikkituoksu

    heinäkuu 26th, 2014

    Thinking: It smells like buns in the elevator!”

  • Kuin junaonnettomuutta katselisi

    heinäkuu 24th, 2014

    Someone in my hobby circles had promoted their forum for quite some time. I went to take a look.


    ”This is a disaster…”

    I believe I should not have gone to take a look.

    Author’s note: The mentioned forum closed recently due to bad administration. Not surprised. || Mainittu foorumi lopetti hiljattain huonon hallinnon takia. Ei ollut ylläri.

  • Hahmo – Juniper

    heinäkuu 24th, 2014


  • Välillä väsyttää

    heinäkuu 23rd, 2014

    One day at work, I was a bit tired.

    *beep beep*

    Thinking: When I get off at seven, I am going straight home and to bed…”

    Thinking: ”…No, wait, it is Saturday today. Shop closes at six. WTF was I thinking?”

    Later on a same day:

    ”No, I have had all my breaks…”

    ”Yeah, you’ve got a shift over nine hours.” (*

    ”Oh yeah, right.”

    (* A shift over nine hours grants an extra break.

  • Kriisin paikka

    heinäkuu 22nd, 2014

    ”When I was 19 years old, and I did not have a clue of what to do with my future, I was said that I don’t need to worry because I am so young.

    ”That was about seven years ago! No one says that to me anymore. And even if they said, how long am I staying young?
    I still don’t know what to do with my life.”

  • Kotelo

    heinäkuu 21st, 2014

    One day, when shopping sunglasses:

    ”Would you like to buy a case fo–”
    ”Yes, please!”

    Case is a great invention, really. Old sunglasses got broken almost immediately due to the careless handling.

  • Asukastoimikunta

    heinäkuu 20th, 2014

    Ohessa asukastoimikunnan lehdykkään tehty sarjakuva. Ajalta kun asuin vielä Hyvinkään Nuorisoasuntoyhtiön asunnossa.
    Ekan kuvan malli on karkeasti otettu ekasta kämpästäni.

    Here is the comic I made for the tenant committee’s pamphlet. This was from the time I still lived in Hyvinkää.
    First frame has been roughly copied from the first apartment I moved in.

    New tenant at HNAY:

    ”It is pretty lonely in here. I don’t know the neighbours and have no idea of activities.”

    Thinking: ”Joining the tenant committee was worth it! I get to know people and plan the tenant activities.”


    The tenant committee arranges events, ie. gaming and barbecue nights. Sometimes they arrange work parties, sometimes expeditions.
    By joining the committee you can have an influence on the events!