tammikuu 15th, 2015
tammikuu 13th, 2015
tammikuu 13th, 2015
tammikuu 13th, 2015
”Well then, what’s in the email?”Email message: ”You have a nice blog. : )”
Note on the wall: This is the reason to continueMe thinking: ”This is so heavy, I might not be able to get some sleep tonight!”
Me thinking: ”Although it is fun to be unable to sleep because of something nice, for a change.” -
tammikuu 13th, 2015
”I have some advice for social interacting.””Do NOT make remarks of other people’s eating.”
”First of all, it is not polite.
Second, every person has a right to feed and nourish themselves as they see fit.
Third, you really can’t be sure what you trigger.”Many people can have an eating disorder.
One can’t always see it outside.HEALTHY? SICK? SICK? ??? WHAT?
”Are you seriously going to eat all that?”
…Can spark following behaviour:
”You sure did take your time in the loo!”
”I feel a little sick…”Thinking: ”I feel a tad woozy… Today I’ll only drink a sip of water and eat one sunflower seed…”
”Also, making remarks of small amount of food or dietary habits is not polite.””Yeah, but how about HEALTH!”
”That is still person’s own business. There is no moral obligation to be healthy.”
”Pfft, you are just over sensitive. And fat.””And you have a small dick, and even that grows between your shoulders.”
Kirjoittajan nootti: Se joka on oikeasti huolissaan toisen ihmisen terveydestä, voi ottaa tämän sivuun ja kysyä tämän terveydentilasta.
Jos joku kahvipöydässä rohmuaa kaikki pikkuleivät, on kyse enemmän käytöstavoista, ei syömistavoista.Author’s note: The one who is genuinely concerned of other person’s health can take the person aside and ask about their health situation.
If someone hogs all the cookies at a party, then it is more of a manners problem, not an eating problem.~*~
Kirjoittajan nootti II: Jälkikäteen ajatellen, toisen mulkusta tai sen koosta puhuminen on suhteellisen lapsellista ja vahvistaa sitä käsitystä, että toisen ihmisen sukupuolielimet tai niiden koko merkkaisivat jotenkin ihmisen paremmuutta tai huonoutta – mikä ei ole tietenkään totta. Vastaavaksi – ja toivottavasti paremmaksi – huomautukseksi voisi sopia paremmin ”ja sulla näyttää olevan harteiden välissä silkkaa paskaa”, jos toinen ihminen tulee arvostelemaan ruokavalintoja tai annoskokoa.
Author’s note II: Thinking this afterwards, using other person’s dick or dick size is relatively childish and validates the idea that other people’s genitalia or size makes them either better or worse people, which is not true. As an alternative – hopefully a better – comeback one could use: ”And you seem to have only shit in between your shoulders”, in case of anyone making remarks of food choices or portion sizes.
Kissoja, kissoja kaikkialla…
tammikuu 10th, 2015
Hahmo – Spraysong
tammikuu 10th, 2015
tammikuu 10th, 2015
”I really truly can’t remember what I was supposed to draw about the visit.”
We watched a movie.
”I have just some trash in my eye.”
”I have a cold.”
”Ellu drew a baby vampire and a kitten!”Se katsomamme elokuva oli Näin Koulutat Lohikäärmeesi 2.
The movie we watched was How To Train Your Dragon 2. -
Osku auttaa – osa 3
tammikuu 10th, 2015
2014 pähkinänkuoressa
tammikuu 1st, 2015
”Pretty many people seem to have posted a summary of their gone year. I could try the same.””I even had to check my past Facebook updates. Apparently I was real tired.”
”In January I got me some drawing equipment and in February I started this blog.Good decision!”
”March-April I was just tired, and fasting, sorts. I did not eat meat, fish, sweets or salty snacks.”
In May we began to work up the move to Vantaa.
In June, sorrow made its home in our household. My father got really sick and died.
I am still mourning.In July, my father was sent to his last trip.
Lots of nice things happened during the summer, but they were shadowed by his death.
”I was also pretty lonely in Vantaa, with no friends nearby…”
”Luckily, on 7th of August, I made the best decision of the whole year and attended the comic meeting.
It was a great birthday gift for my lonely soul, to get to meet such admirable people!”The autumn was pretty much tired.
Things did not go as planned. I wanted to get us another cat, but that did not work out.
During December I was still tired, also super busy.
From home to work.
From work to home.”Me thinking: ”There has not been much time to work the relationship. It distresses me.”
Me thinking: ”On the other hand, I get a nice pay on pay day. I will be able to get me those sleeping pills.
Maybe the new year will be better slept!”
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