• 2014 pähkinänkuoressa

    tammikuu 1st, 2015

    ”Pretty many people seem to have posted a summary of their gone year. I could try the same.”

    ”I even had to check my past Facebook updates. Apparently I was real tired.”
    ”In January I got me some drawing equipment and in February I started this blog.

    Good decision!”

    ”March-April I was just tired, and fasting, sorts. I did not eat meat, fish, sweets or salty snacks.”

    In May we began to work up the move to Vantaa.

    In June, sorrow made its home in our household. My father got really sick and died.
    I am still mourning.

    In July, my father was sent to his last trip.

    Lots of nice things happened during the summer, but they were shadowed by his death.

    ”I was also pretty lonely in Vantaa, with no friends nearby…”
    ”Luckily, on 7th of August, I made the best decision of the whole year and attended the comic meeting.
    It was a great birthday gift for my lonely soul, to get to meet such admirable people!”

    The autumn was pretty much tired.
    Things did not go as planned. I wanted to get us another cat, but that did not work out.
    During December I was still tired, also super busy.
    From home to work.
    From work to home.”

    Me thinking: ”There has not been much time to work the relationship. It distresses me.”
    Me thinking: ”On the other hand, I get a nice pay on pay day. I will be able to get me those sleeping pills.
    Maybe the new year will be better slept!”


    2 Responses to “2014 pähkinänkuoressa”

  • Osanottoni isäsi menehtymisestä <3

    Osaan jotakuinkin sympatisoida ja jakaa surutyön (kuten luitkin blogistani, että itselläni kävi suru kahdesti viime vuonna kylässä).
    Paljon jaksamisia ja voimia!

  • @Saiccu: Kiitokset osanotoista. Surutyö on ollut vähintäänkin vaikeaa, kun kaikki byrokraattisetkin seikat putosivat minun harteilleni. Onneksi nyt varmaan lähiaikoina viedään mm. viimeisiä isoja laskuja asian tiimoilta, niin olisi edes yksi huoli vähemmän.

    Voimia myös sinulle! <3