maaliskuu 30th, 2015
Hahmo – vuorihaltia Eryk II
maaliskuu 30th, 2015
maaliskuu 30th, 2015
maaliskuu 22nd, 2015
Comes the hostess of Pohyola,
Fleetly rushing through the door-way,
To the centre of the court-room,
And addresses thus the stranger:”Who then art thou of the heroes,
Who of all the host of heroes,
That thou art within my court-rooms,
That thou comest to my dwelling,
Was not seen without my portals,
Was not scented by my watch-dogs?” -
maaliskuu 22nd, 2015
maaliskuu 22nd, 2015
Hahmo – vuorihaltia Ruska
maaliskuu 22nd, 2015
Hahmo – vuorihaltia Eryk
maaliskuu 22nd, 2015
maaliskuu 22nd, 2015
Suklaa-addiktion vuodenaika
maaliskuu 12th, 2015
Thinking: ”I am a bit worried what will happen to my sweets consuming, when the fasting is over.”Thinking: ”My situation is similar to an alcoholic’s; dropless January or 100 days challenge go with ease. After that, the consuming continues with both hands.”
Last year:Thinking: ”Well, this chocolate does not quite taste like anything…”
After five seconds:
Thinking: ”I’ve GOT to get more of this!”
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