Category: Elämä
    Page 23
  • Kissoja, kissoja kaikkialla…

    tammikuu 10th, 2015

    Cats, cats everywhere…

    ”It would be wonderful if they all could be petted.”


  • Kylässä

    tammikuu 10th, 2015

    I was visiting Ellu.

    ”I really truly can’t remember what I was supposed to draw about the visit.”

    We watched a movie.

    ”I have just some trash in my eye.”

    ”I have a cold.”
    ”Ellu drew a baby vampire and a kitten!”

    Se katsomamme elokuva oli Näin Koulutat Lohikäärmeesi 2.
    The movie we watched was How To Train Your Dragon 2.

  • 2014 pähkinänkuoressa

    tammikuu 1st, 2015

    ”Pretty many people seem to have posted a summary of their gone year. I could try the same.”

    ”I even had to check my past Facebook updates. Apparently I was real tired.”
    ”In January I got me some drawing equipment and in February I started this blog.

    Good decision!”

    ”March-April I was just tired, and fasting, sorts. I did not eat meat, fish, sweets or salty snacks.”

    In May we began to work up the move to Vantaa.

    In June, sorrow made its home in our household. My father got really sick and died.
    I am still mourning.

    In July, my father was sent to his last trip.

    Lots of nice things happened during the summer, but they were shadowed by his death.

    ”I was also pretty lonely in Vantaa, with no friends nearby…”
    ”Luckily, on 7th of August, I made the best decision of the whole year and attended the comic meeting.
    It was a great birthday gift for my lonely soul, to get to meet such admirable people!”

    The autumn was pretty much tired.
    Things did not go as planned. I wanted to get us another cat, but that did not work out.
    During December I was still tired, also super busy.
    From home to work.
    From work to home.”

    Me thinking: ”There has not been much time to work the relationship. It distresses me.”
    Me thinking: ”On the other hand, I get a nice pay on pay day. I will be able to get me those sleeping pills.
    Maybe the new year will be better slept!”


  • Juoruja

    joulukuu 23rd, 2014

    ”I have gossip for you.”


    ”H has engaged herself with her boyfriend(*.

    And pregnant again.”

    (*The said boyfriend is 19 years younger than H.
    H has three children already.




    ”Yeah, that kinda stuff.”

    Nootti: Sinänsä minulle on aika sama, mitä muut elämällään tekevät, mutta tuttavan käytös poikkeaa vähän tavanomaisesta. Tuttavani otti eron miehestään, vaihtoi 19-vuotiaaseen, on nyt kihloissa ja raskaana. Esikoisensa ja poikaystävän ikäero on n. 6 vuotta.

    Reaktioni saattoi olla aika lähelle Fox Mulderin reaktiota oheisessa pätkässä (n. 0:11 kohdalla)

    Videota en omista.

  • Kuolema koskettaa

    joulukuu 21st, 2014

    Whenever I read your medical report, it makes me feel that you killed yourself.

    I suppose I should not say this, but sometimes I feel like you are trying to kill me on the side.

    [bill of 700 EUR]
    Me thinking: ”Where ever do I rip this kind of money?

  • All I Want For Christmas Is…

    joulukuu 21st, 2014

    ”Nothing else matters, but I would like my joy of living and mental health baaaaack…”

    ”Ask Easter Bunny in the spring!”

  • Kun ei siitä hyötyä ole

    joulukuu 21st, 2014

    Happened a couple of years ago:

    Random Internet Acquaintance: ”Look at me, how horrible I look!”

    RIA: ”So horribly fat!”

    Me: ”…”
    Me: ”Sorry, I am not going to join that self bad mouthing, at all.”


    Me: ”And I won’t start now, either.”

  • Elämän realiteetteja

    joulukuu 14th, 2014

    Kata’s text message: ”My mom is a total fan of your blog!”
    ”My greetings to Kata’s mom!
    You are the best, never ever go changing!”

  • SE biisi

    joulukuu 8th, 2014

    Mia is listening to music

    Melodysheepin tekemä Bob Ross remixaus, Happy Little Clouds:

  • Hyvään tarkoitukseen

    joulukuu 8th, 2014

    In UFF store:

    ”Is that it?”


    ”It is~”
    ”I found just the thing I was looking for.”

    ”That’s nice. 4 euros, please.”

    ”Thank you and good bye.”

    ”Bye bye!”

    ”Osku is going to be so happy!”
    Clerk thinking: ”Osku…?”

    At home:

    ”There you go!”


    Olen kuullut paljon kritiikkiä UFFin myymälöistä viime aikoina, joten olisi kivaa, jos joku voisi vinkata muita kirppiksiä tai kierrätettyjen vaatteiden myymälöitä.

    Osku joskus pureksii (teko)turkispallerot pilalle, joten olisi kiva löytää aika ajoin uusia (noin kananmunan kokoisia).