Category: Elämä
    Page 17
  • Appelsiini

    toukokuu 26th, 2015

    ”Mmm… I feel like eating an orange.”

    Santeri: ”Wow! Real freshly squeezed orange juice!”

    Me: ”Yep!”

  • Varovaista toiveikkuutta

    toukokuu 25th, 2015

    ”So… ANOTHER shift in a row for this week!
    Is this a dream?”

    ”Would I dare to be a little hopeful, even?”

  • Suosikkiharraste

    toukokuu 24th, 2015


    Panel 1: ”Updates done, web things read…”
    Panel 2: ”Santeri’s at work, I have an evening shift, the house is quiet…”
    Panel 3: ”I can concentrate on my favourite hobby!”
    Panel 4: ”Zzz…”

  • Viikonloppu-seminaari II

    toukokuu 21st, 2015

    Tavallisista tavoistani poiketen lisään nyt viimeistelemättömiä sarjakuvia, koska haluan saada nämä vain systeemistäni mahdollisimman nopeasti ulos ja unohtaa. Joo, ei ollut kiva viikonloppu.


    Unlike my usual behaviour, these comic will be published without translation or proper finishing touches. I only want to get them out of my system and forget. One might guess I did not have a good weekend.





  • Viikonloppu-seminaari

    toukokuu 21st, 2015

    Tavallisista tavoistani poiketen lisään nyt viimeistelemättömiä sarjakuvia, koska haluan saada nämä vain systeemistäni mahdollisimman nopeasti ulos ja unohtaa. Joo, ei ollut kiva viikonloppu.


    Unlike my usual behaviour, these comic will be published without translation or proper finishing touches. I only want to get them out of my system and forget. One might guess I did not have a good weekend.





  • Tietynlainen apatia

    toukokuu 17th, 2015

    ”I might seem negative, but the truth is that I don’t care.”

  • Stressikäyrä

    toukokuu 14th, 2015

    ”My stress level is reaching the sky. It is making my life EXTREMELY uncomfortable.”

    ”I do not sleep well.
    I do not eat well.
    I do not feel well.”

  • Mainonnan uhri

    toukokuu 14th, 2015


    At workplace, going to the changing room in the back.

    Advertisement: Robber’s roast: 22,90 €/kg
    Advertisement 2: Goat’s cheese : 19,90 €/kg

    Me: ”Hmm…”


    Me thinking: ”For some reason I began to crave for a baguette filled with roast and goat’s cheese.”

    Extra: Osku helps with laundry.

  • Pakkoloma

    toukokuu 12th, 2015

    ”This ongoing week has been surprisingly hard.”
    No work on Monday.
    No work on Tuesday.
    On Wednesday I got a shift, but it got cancelled in favor of someone else. We had been reserving it the same time.
    Employer: ”We let you know if new shifts open.”
    Me: ”Alright. Thanks.”

    No work on Thursday either.
    World: ”Screw you!”
    Lappy: ”No shifts lol”

    When there is no work, time is spent with being anxious.
    Me thinking: ”Everybody hates me.”

    Me: ”I just want 3-4 shifts a week, visit the swimming hall and buy my favorite candy.”

    Online comment: ”Your environment drawings are pretty!”
    Me thinking: ”If only I had more spoons to thank more fast-flowing.”
    Nice feedback has brightened me up a little.

    The lack of money is distressing, but who would not be distressed?
    Me: ”I wonder if anyone would like to buy my original drawings?(*
    One paper is a tenner and two costs fifteen euros…”

    (* Original drawings, as in environment drawings, star animals, miscellaneous, etc. Not comics.

  • Mieli muuttuu

    toukokuu 6th, 2015


    Me thinking: ”Gee, it would be nice to watch something romantic!”

    ”Or read!”

    ”Or plan some romantic sideplot for roleplay!

    ”I wonder if anyone would like to play something romantic?”

    ”Or maybe if I text Santeri…”
    On another times:

    Me thinking: ”You really needed to ruin this book with some romance!”

    ”Does not fit in at all!”

    ”Bloody hell, how disgusting!”