• Pride-muistilista

    kesäkuu 29th, 2015

    Huom! Tämä on cis-sukupuolisen heteron näkökulmasta kirjoitettu ja piirretty, siksi ensimmäisen sivun viimeinen ruutu hyvistä tavoista keskittyy siihen, että Pridessä ei ole kysymys herkistä hetero-tunteista. Jos et ole cis-het, sinulla on kaikki oikeudet osallistua Pride-kulkueeseen ja muihin tapahtumiin.

    Miia Vistilä piirsikin jo neuvot ja ohjeet introvertin Pride-kulkueeseen.

    ”Yesterday, I attended to my first Pride parade. Because it is the general Pride season, here is a list of reminders for beginners.”

    ”Anyone can join the parade and a possible park party. One can walk only a part of the route. One can attend either just the parade or the party, if the energy is not cut out for both.”

    No one asks about sexuality or gender identity, but remember good manners.

    Me: ”Don’t be that person.”

    Cishet: ”Me! Me! But what about my feelings? Me! I am minority here!”

    Take a note of the weather.

    ”Better remember sunblock during the Pride season. I forgot and got to nurse sunburnt skin. Sigh.”

    Remember to pack water with you. Many will have alcoholic drink, but water should be taken as well.
    Dehydration on a hot day is no laughing matter.

    Parade might be long, so pack a little power snack with you, even if you won’t stay for the park party or picnic.
    Fruit or a snack bar work well.

    ”Good shoes are mandatory! Depending on the city, the parade route might go on cobble stones. And blisters are not fun either.”

    ”The police and voluntary traffic guides take care of the route’s safety, but be on your guard.

    There is a lot of people in the parade, so make sure your possessions are safe. Pickpockets thrive in large crowds.

    I hope these reminders were helpful!
    Have a fun and safe Pride parade!”

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