• Minun petoni

    maaliskuu 8th, 2015

    Kas tässä linkki artikkeliin, joka kertoo sisäisestä pedosta tarkemmin.

    Article in the provided link is all in Finnish, but in a nutshell; the inner predator is that small nagging voice in the backs of our heads, which criticizes us and wants to see us fail. People with normal self confidence can brush the inner predator off easily, but the others with worse self confidence might not be able to do so.
    ”Some time ago, I learned about the term ’inner predator’.”

    ”Kuningatar Alkoholi tells more about it in her blog, but if you let me, I could tell something of my own predator.”

    I believe it has kept me company since childhood.
    As a kid:

    IP: ”They don’t want to play with you.”
    Me: ”Mmm.”

    In school:

    IP: ”No one wants to sit in the same tablegroup with you.”
    Me: ”Mmm. Probably.”

    In junior high:

    IP: ”You’re an ugly chick. Lauri knew it too.”
    Me: ”Mmm. I guess so.”

    In Confirmation camp:

    IP: ”All those greetings are lie. All of them.”
    Me: ”You are right.”

    As young adult:

    IP: ”Your dad can’t tolerate you when he is sober.”
    Me: ”Yeah.”

    As an adult:

    IP: ”…And then your boyfriend is certainly cheating on you, you are stupid, ugly and, on the top of that, lazy. Then…”
    IP: ”And … For reals, no one really wants to play with you. You are boring. You smell bad…”

    IP: ”What are you doing?”
    Me: ”And now you keep your lying mouth shut!”

    Me: ”I am damn bored of your bullshit! No one welcomed you in the first place!”

    3 Responses to “Minun petoni”

  • Kiitos kun jaoit meidän kanssa<3 Aivan mahtava loppu :D

  • @KuningatarAlkoholi: Pitäisi varmaan lainata yhdeltä ystävättäreltä sellaisia ulkomaalaisia paksuja muotilehtiä. Ne kun ovat ihan eri kaliiberia paikallisiin verrattuna, joten niillä kelpaisi mätkiä aina kun peto yrittää hyppiä silmille. x)

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