Boheemia sunnuntai-elämää
huhtikuu 14th, 2014
Jotain odotettavissa
huhtikuu 13th, 2014
Pätkätyön iloja
huhtikuu 12th, 2014
Employer’s automated text message: ”Come to the shift? Reserve the shift with code’Reserve X1′.”
Me: ”Reserve X1”
”Now we only need to wait for confirmation. Or other notification of the shift being taken.”
Cell phone: *As mute as fish*After half an hour:
”Mia K. here, hello…
About that shift, because it was never confirmed or denied. No… Oh, it got taken already?
Sorry, I can’t go to Rajamäki. Thanks anyway.
Emplyer’s automated message: ”The shift, you tried to reserve, has been filled already.”
”…Thanks, I am aware.”
Hahmo(t) – soturihaltia ja kalastajahaltia
huhtikuu 11th, 2014
Kummallakin on sama nimi, koska nimi sopii mielestäni mille vaan sukupuolelle, enkä ole koskaan ollut kovin kekseliäs.
Hahmot siis eri paikoissa; male!Badger on Oakleaf Holtista , fem!Badger oli alunperin Shadow Wood Holtista, nyttemmin siirretty Beacon Call Holtiin . -
huhtikuu 10th, 2014
”Today I was thinking of sharing a beauty tip.”Even if I am not a professional in the beauty industry, not even an avid hobbyist.
”Eugh, wonderful”
But I do have quite a lot of problems with the skin on my hands.
So therefore I will share my favourite products and tips.Hands have:
– Scar
– Dry skin
– I was not allowed to help the cat
– Other scratches
– Grater attacked my thumb
– There used to be a burn on the pinky
– More dry skin
– Angry cat attack
First we take Oriflame’s Renewing HandScrub.
Wet your hands, rub small amount of the product in them, rinse and wash hands.”The product contains almond, so I would not necessarily recommend this to people with almond allegy.
Shops probably have similar peel- or scrubbing products for hands.”
[Kirjoittajan huomautus: Vihreä Kosmetiikka on vaihtanut nimensä Flow Kosmetiikaksi.
Olisi pitänyt tarkistaa lähteet. || Author’s note: Vihreä Kosmetiikka changed their name as Flow Kosmetiikka. Should have checked my sources.]Then moisturizing! For this I recommend Vihreä Kosmetiikka’s Sheabutter & Lavender-balm. Certificated organic raw materials take even 98% of the balm.
”This really is wondrous balm, I tell ya!
It takes care of scratches, itchy skin, even burns!
Got it as a gift from a friend of mine a couple of years ago, so huge thanks to Anna!”Tässä vielä linkki Flow Kosmetiikan sivuille: Flow Kosmetiikka
Ei virtaa
huhtikuu 9th, 2014
Eläintarhassa tapahtuu
huhtikuu 8th, 2014
Hahmo – viidakkohaltia Thunder
huhtikuu 8th, 2014
Kenkiä ja jalkoja
huhtikuu 7th, 2014
One day, I was shopping for shoes.
”Ehhhh, they don’t quite … They squeeze from the sides and the heel does not fit right.”
”Good shoes are hard to come by. I feel like my feet are somehow funnily shaped. I call them ’duck feet’.”
My last pair of shoes was incredibly hard to break in. They chafed a blister on one of the toe joint every time.
I would love to walk bare-feet, but winters are cold and I must wear shoes while at work.
And morons like to scatter glass shards and tacks to the environment during summers. -
Asiat, jotka meitä yhdistävät
huhtikuu 5th, 2014
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