Page 38
  • Downgrade

    syyskuu 14th, 2014

    ”Today, my sketchbook ran out of pages. Payday is in a few days, so I will be using separate sheets of paper until then.
    I have not used them for a long while.”

    ”At least this time I have a folder, to keep the papers in order. With old drawings I never used one.”

    They were not even this neatly!

    Separate sheets of paper are a nuisance. I was supposed to move during June.

    Me: ”Can we continue with the packing?”
    My friend Kata: ”But I want to look at these first. These are nice!”

    My friend Kata: ”You never finished this one.”
    Me: ”THROW IT AWAY!”

    My friend Kata: ”Nonsense. I will put it here safely along with the others.”
    Me: ”Yeabut… No…” :C

    ”But paper sheets can take more, at least. My favourite type of sketchbook is smaller than A4.
    And I am too cheap to get me any bigger books.”

    ”And this opens a whole lot new opportunities!”

  • Heinäkuun helteet

    syyskuu 13th, 2014

    ”Oh, it is not as hot outside as I thought!”

    In under five minutes:

    Thinking: ”…ck!”

  • Arkipäivän seikkailuja

    syyskuu 12th, 2014

    Hyvien ystävien kanssa tavallinen päiväretkikin on seikkailu.
    With good friends even an ordinary little trip is an adventure.

    Nootti: Ei, emme harrasta cosplayta, halusin vain kuvaan fantasia-elementtejä.
    Note: No, we do not cosplay. I only wanted fantasy elements to the picture.

  • Kiitos!

    syyskuu 11th, 2014

    ”All glory and praise to those friends, who — with simple chatting — remind me of what I can do with my life!”

    ”You all are the best!”

    *is again full of hope and will to live*

  • Maksuton, reseptivapaa lääke vitutukseen II

    elokuu 29th, 2014

    In the petting zoo at Orimattila.

    ”Can we take these home?”



    ”If we have space for them.”

  • Ajanviettoa

    elokuu 28th, 2014

    In the lack of anything better to do, we went to have a walk and feed the ducks.

    ”These probably soon think I am their Santa Claus.”


    Rolled oats and rye bran are thrown.

    Likelihood is visible.

    Me, hood on.

    Christmas elf or Santa.


    Guess the ducks should not be fed, but there is something soothing and therapeutic in it.

    At least rolled oats and rye bran are better option than bread.

  • Hahmot – Oryn & Ruska

    elokuu 21st, 2014

    Teki mieli piirtää jotain hellää.

    Vasemmalla Oryn, kaverini Lisan hahmo. Oikealla Ruska, omani.

    Minulla oli kuvareferenssi. Referenssi tämän linkin takana.

  • Edes jotain

    elokuu 21st, 2014

    Lawyer on the phone: ”Don’t pay any bills of the estate. We’ll deal with the estate inventory deed first and see how much the finances are.”

    Me: ”Well, I can do at least that.”
    Me thinking: ”There is under a fiver on my bank account.”

  • Lupaat vaan

    elokuu 20th, 2014

    The other day, my mam called me.

    ”You are so brave! I am so weepy now, I can’t talk!”

    ”Maybe you should take a break then. We can talk another time.”

    A couple of hours pass:


    Thinking: ”Promises, promises.”

  • Muutoksen tuskaa

    elokuu 18th, 2014

    I have recently moved to Vantaa.
    I don’t know pretty much anyone in the region.
    There is no money to have hobbies and my boyfriend’s hobbies are not to my interests.
    No chance to get friends from anonymoys chat forums.
    I am lonely.

    ”Well, on the anonymous chat forum I have learned already, that if you ask for a gift, you’re a boor.
    If not, you’re stupid. If you want to give a gift, you are flaunting your wealth and if you don’t want to give a gift, you are a cheapskate.”010714_3

    Thinking: ”I need more happy things in my life.”