syyskuu 30th, 2014
Hahmo – Keleero
syyskuu 25th, 2014
Pelikaverin hahmo Keleero Beacon Call Holtista -
syyskuu 25th, 2014
syyskuu 25th, 2014
Ähtäriin mä kaipaan niin – taas uudelleen
syyskuu 25th, 2014
I went camping to Ähtäri with my friend Kata on 15.8.-17.8.14. It was my first time camping, so I had prepared both too well and run of the mill.
”My back hurts just a wee bit…”Overpacked backpack, slightly broken
Town clothes, also slightly broken
TentStraps of the backpack caused me trouble.
”Aiee-ouch!””Probably not like this either.”
”I give up.”
I felt like the majority of the trip was spent in trains.
First the trip between Koivukylä and Hyvinkää; two trains.Thinking: ”Well, of course the rush hour train.”
The trip between Hyvinkää and Riihimäki.
”And the straps did not work like they should’ve worked.”
”HAHAHA! Help, I can’t stand this!”
During the trip between Riihimäki and Seinäjoki we finally got seats.”Sorry, soz…”
*smack*Train aisles can be surprisingly narrow.
At Seinäjoki, we swapped into a regional train. It was also called rail bus.
”And we did not get any photos of it!
It was like a train’s baby! It did not use electricity!I really have to google it sometime!”
Ohessa googletettu kuva: Klik-klik
At the railway stop of Ähtäri Zoo we noticed how we are totally not in the metropolitan area anymore.No electricity wires for trains.
One (1) set of railroad tracks.
”The train goes here six times a day. When we return, we really can’t go to the wrong train.”
Walking trip to the camping site sure felt longer when going there than when returning.
I think I complained surprisingly little.”Imma gonna die… Gonna fall to the ditch… My knee can’t take it… Back hurts… Boohoo…”
”It is behind the next curve.”
Kata has the patience of a saint.
We finally got to the camping site, so we registered in.
Setting the tent worried me.Horror scenario 1:
”#%&¤##¤%! …ck! It just does not work!””Whatever, I’ll sleep like this!”
Horror scenario 2:
”There it goes. We forgot the stakes.””I thought you were speaking of steaks.”
Setting instructions”Oh, it was that easy. We just need to add the protective textile and stakes.”
Saturday, 16th of August.
My back was hurting a little. I was not used to sleeping outside.”Oh, …ck!”
The maintenance building made things remarkably easy.
Caravan area is that way
More sinks
Funny mirrors, for some reason
Kitchen unit
Water unit
One can go straight through
More sinksNo one mention this to Kata’s father.
On Saturday we went to the zoo, too.
The most important animal to me was the badger.The most important animal to Kata was the fox.
To Kata, foxes are like the badgers to me; the most valued favourite animal.On Saturday, there was also time just to be.
”Who was the murdered Sharon, again?”
(Author’s note: it is ’tate’, in case someone is doing a crossword with similar hint)Loput reissusta raportoidaan sitten kun saan muita juttuja pois alta.
Rest of the reportage will be done after I get other stuff away.Kysymys-memeen osallistuneiden ei tarvitse huolestua, vastaukset on mulla työn alla.
Mustan kissan tuomat ilot
syyskuu 19th, 2014
syyskuu 19th, 2014
I run an Elfquest-based roleplay forum in the Internet. It is named Wild Forest Holt.
It is an okay forum, just a tad slow with action.*type type*
I have used a lot of effort to the concept, ideas and tribe info, such as tribal roles.
Thinking: ”I can’t think of anything.”As far as I know, no one has snatched my ideas, art, writings or anything of same sort.
”Bad drawing skills have their benefits. Hah.”
I was pretty much surprised, when I noticed similar material in another EQ-based group.
Thinking: ”Hmm…”I asked my friends opinion.
Me in chat: ”Hey, see any similarities in these lists? [link 1] [link 2]
My friend in chat: ”Now that you mention it, yeah.”Apparently, the admin in another group had sought out some inspiration from the other groups.
”Which basically is quite alright, I guess? One would know how to pose sub forums, categories, etc.”But, to be honest, I was not thrilled to find my list copied and pasted without my permission.
”And I do realize that lists are really hard to write using one’s own words, without copying anyone.””
But the list was partially identical from word to word. It had only been altered for another setting.
”Even the fulfilled roles were marked the same way!””Don’t get me wrong, tho. If an idea is a good idea, it can be used. But credit where it’s due, right? Of course right.”
I had copied my own skill list from an old, nowadays ended, group. I had a mention of the fact.
On the screen: Please note! This list has been copied and altered from Shadow Wood Holt!
There won’t be misunderstandings this way.And of course, I could not write to the admin of the other group like this:
”Waaah, I own the rights to the term ’hunt leader’! Also to the jungle theme!
I’ll sue! You owe me 100 zillion euros!”
So, I wrote like this:
”Hi! I noticed some similarities in these lists, so is you have been searching for inspiration from my group, it would be nice if you could mention it and maybe add a link.
Good luck and all the best!
– Mia”Thinking: ”So, they did mention the source. Small font. No link. (* Makes me a little mad.
(* The link was added, eventually.”What I am trying to say is that even if some thing is in the Internet, it does not necessarily mean that it is available for all use.
Asking permission and mentioning sources are mandatory things.””Everybody here knows this, right?
Of course right!”Art thefts are a whole different story…
Kysykää – kyllä minä vastaan
syyskuu 19th, 2014
Elämä kolhii
syyskuu 19th, 2014
Hahmo – Fem!Badger
syyskuu 18th, 2014
Fem!Badger Beacon Call Holtista . Rustailin kun oli tylsää.
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