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  • Se pari, jota kaikki kadehtii

    marraskuu 10th, 2014

    We were watching a tv-series some time ago.
    TV: ”How wonderful! We’ll be the couple everyone is jealous of!”

    ”I don’t think it is such a healthy goal. It would be better if they’d just get more friends.”

    ”By the way, we are the couple that everyone is jealous of.”

    Well, not maybe everyone, but at least a couple of people.
    Hopefully they are jealous of us like this:

    ”Wow, they have it going so good! I hope I can have the same someday!”

    And not like this:

    ”They are so sickeningly happy together! I hope they break up!”

    ”Here is a couple of tips that have made our relationship good. All tips do not necessarily work for all.
    Also, keep in mind that we have been real lucky to find a good partner in each other.”
    – Appreciate your partner and their contribution in the household.

    ”Thanks for the food!”
    ”You’re welcome!”

    ”Thanks for doing the dishes!”

    – Open discussion and listening to each other.

    ”I find this thing a problem.”
    ”I am offering this as a solution.”

    ”What would you like to get as a gift?”
    ”Movie tickets would be nice. And you?”
    ”I don’t know, but I will show you once I know.”

    – Same kind of values and goals.

    ”I don’t want children.”
    ”I understand.”
    – Resilience in certain situations.
    ”This project is very important to me.”
    ”I understand and agree to put up with it for now.”

    – Playfulness
    ”I am a ghost.”

    – Being intoxicant-free helps
    STABBED THE WIFE – alcohol played a part
    KILLED THEIR HUSBAND – shock photos
    CHEATED AND LEFT – ”I was drunk” – Ex speaks up

    ”My faith in humanity is dying.”
    ”Same here.”

  • Pröö pröö pröö!

    marraskuu 3rd, 2014

    Viittaan seuraavaan bloggaajaan ja kissaan –> KLIK-KLIK

    ”Some other comic blogger’s cat goes ’sur sur sur’ when purring.
    Can you do the same?”

    ”Pröö pröö pröö!”

    ”Oh well…”

    ”Close enough, anyway.”

    ”Pröö pröö pröö!”

  • Tähtihaukka

    marraskuu 3rd, 2014


    Referenssikuva oheisessa linkissä –> KLIK-KLIK

  • Oudosti tyyni

    marraskuu 3rd, 2014

    ”Guess, what’s dumb? I am worrying over for not being a friend’s favourite roleplayer.”

    At the moment, I am surprisingly calm.
    Had my mental health problems taken over, the situation would be catastrophic.

    ”Boohooaawaaah! I’ll kill myself!”

    ”In the end, there is nothing I can do to this ’problem’.
    Why should I worry?”

    ”I guess this is how it feels like to be a functioning, mentally healthy adult.”

    Although it would be cool to be someone’s favourite something.

    ”You are my number one favourite person!”

    ”Thanks, you are making me blush!”

  • Olen erittäin hyvä, ellen täydellinen

    lokakuu 31st, 2014

    Teksti ylemmässä kuvassa on aika vaikeasti luettavissa, joten tässä on selkeämpänä:
    Kattokaa tota läskipersettä! Höhöö! Läskii! Mä tappaisin itteni, jos oisin noin läski! Höhöhöö! Hei norsu, sirkus on Kaisaniemessä!

    ”Look at that fat arse! Hurhur! Faaaat! I’d kill myself if I was that fat! Hurhurhur! Hey elephant, the circus is in Kaisaniemi!”

    *Thinking*: ”Fat? Well, yeah, but at the same time beautiful, lovely and on the top of that — happy!”

  • Puoliksi ihminen, puoliksi …?

    lokakuu 31st, 2014

    Half human, half…?

  • Sosiaalinen taidottomuus jatkuu – II

    lokakuu 31st, 2014

    ”I got the email sent. How wonderful, I can now take it easy for the rest of the day.”

    ”Bling! You have mail, LOL!”

    After ten seconds:

    *Thinking*: ”It is a bit dusty in here.”

    *Thinking*: ”Help, what is pressing me!?”

  • Tähtikettu

    lokakuu 28th, 2014


    Saamelaiset uskoivat revontulien syntyvän, kun kettu huiskii hännällään hankia.

  • Tähtikoira

    lokakuu 28th, 2014

    Saa antaa ehdotuksia tähtieläimiksi. En takaa, että kaikkia teen, mutta teen kuitenkin varmaan aika monta.

  • Maton alla on rattoisaa

    lokakuu 28th, 2014

    Viitaten yhteen edelliseen sarjikseen –> Klik-klik

    ”What are you doing here, beneath the rug?”

    ”Ummm… Cleaning up?”

    ”Is this some incompetence thing again?”


    ”I can hold the rug up for you, but you really need to crawl out by yourself.”