Page 13
  • Menetyksen tuskaa

    lokakuu 7th, 2015

    ”Why did my father have to die?
    I am not cut for this.”

  • Yhteydenotto

    lokakuu 5th, 2015

    A message: ”Hi! Would you happen to have Mikko’s phone number, because I would like to catch up with him?”

    Me thinking: ”How on earth do I tell the news!?”

  • Itkuinen kuun alku

    lokakuu 5th, 2015

    ”My material is shit!

    My blog is shit!

    I don’t mean anything!

    My networking skills are shit!

    I am shit!”

  • Kokkaaminen ystävien kanssa

    lokakuu 4th, 2015

    Me: ”A-hyuck-hyuck, our guacamole looks like pea soup!”

    My friends: ”That’s right!”

  • Ne kapulat kassalla

    lokakuu 4th, 2015

    ”You know these sticks at cash points?
    Sometimes customers place their groceries so, that the sticks fall back behind the conveyor belt.”

    What I want to do:

    ”I guess you are picking it up, since you dropped it!?”
    What I really do:


  • Uusi huppari

    lokakuu 4th, 2015


    ”New hoodie!”

    ”Okay, I did have a bad moment in the fitting room, a moment when I did not like this fat belly.
    But the truth is that about 20 years of self loathing did not bring a desired change, so I might as well try and tolerate myself.”

    ”Being fat is not a bad thing, if one does not make it a bad thing.”

  • Tanssiva hämähäkki

    syyskuu 30th, 2015

    One day:

    [I am watching a video of a peacock spider]
    Me thinking: ”OMG, how cute!”

    The same evening:

    [I am thinking of the same spider]

    ”Well, I rather think of a dancing spider than worry.”

    Spider: ”I’m your boogie man!”


    Videon materiaalista en omista mitään. Kaikki oikeudet kuuluvat materiaalin alkuperäiselle kuvaajalle ja editoijalle, sekä musiikin oikeudet sen tekijöille.

  • Tasan eivät mene lusikat

    syyskuu 22nd, 2015

    ”Others have silver spoons and I do not have a single spoon left.”

    Spoons, again, mean energy and power to do things.
    No need to go to the spoon store to get me actual spoons.

  • Itketti

    syyskuu 21st, 2015


  • Syksyinen pöllö

    syyskuu 19th, 2015
