Category: Yleinen
    Page 2
  • Tähtikoira

    lokakuu 28th, 2014

    Saa antaa ehdotuksia tähtieläimiksi. En takaa, että kaikkia teen, mutta teen kuitenkin varmaan aika monta.

  • Tähtikissa

    lokakuu 27th, 2014

    Tulin testailleeksi juttuja.


  • Kettutanssi

    lokakuu 6th, 2014


  • Asukastoimikunta

    heinäkuu 20th, 2014

    Ohessa asukastoimikunnan lehdykkään tehty sarjakuva. Ajalta kun asuin vielä Hyvinkään Nuorisoasuntoyhtiön asunnossa.
    Ekan kuvan malli on karkeasti otettu ekasta kämpästäni.

    Here is the comic I made for the tenant committee’s pamphlet. This was from the time I still lived in Hyvinkää.
    First frame has been roughly copied from the first apartment I moved in.

    New tenant at HNAY:

    ”It is pretty lonely in here. I don’t know the neighbours and have no idea of activities.”

    Thinking: ”Joining the tenant committee was worth it! I get to know people and plan the tenant activities.”


    The tenant committee arranges events, ie. gaming and barbecue nights. Sometimes they arrange work parties, sometimes expeditions.
    By joining the committee you can have an influence on the events!

  • Hahmot – fem!Badger ja No-Sting

    heinäkuu 19th, 2014

    Piirsin yhdessä välissä oman hahmoni ja yhden kaverin hahmon, kun piti saada piirrettyä kaksi hahmoa kanssakäymässä.

  • Hahmo – fem!Badger

    toukokuu 20th, 2014

  • Kerrostaloasumisesta

    helmikuu 22nd, 2014



    Text in pics as follows.

    When I was a kid, I lived in a detached house. When I grew up, I moved to my own place — living in loft house and in a block of flats have made me a territorial busybody.

    ”Someone’s crossing through our yard — AGAIN! F*ck! I don’t cross their yard either!”

    My last apartment was in a loft house, and it had the most perfect windows for watching things.
    Nowadays creeps are using the windows for watching the people living inside. Ew.

    Apartment building provides a lot of other things to watch.

    Such as:

    1. Smells
    ”Elkins is cooking cabbage again.”
    *sniff sniff*

    2. Smoking in the yard
    (Nurses and/or cooks come from the nearby kindergarten to our yard for smokes.)

    ”Oh, I KNOW…”

    3. Lots of other interesting stuff
    This is supposed to be a trashcan shelter.

    ”Did I see right?”

    4. Trash sorting

    Someone’s left metal cans to bio waste — AGAIN.”

    I sincerely hope I am not an unreasonable busybody. I like to complain about relevant things.
    But really, what kind of filthy beast drops metal cans to bio waste?



  • Aina Vastassa

    helmikuu 22nd, 2014


    Kissamme on aina onnellinen kun isäntäväki palaa kotiin.

    Our cat is always so happy, when the humans return home.