Ulkopuolisuuden tunteesta
marraskuu 13th, 2014
Ohessa vielä linkki postaukseen, joka minua inspiroi tähän epäkoherenttiin tajunnanvirtaan –> KLIK-KLIK
Nyt kun mä linkitin sen, niin siitä varmaan tulee K:n blogiin joku outo kommentti. En tajua miksi.
I was reading blog of Kuningatar Alkoholi.
”Snuuurf…”The update in question was discussing how some people live and others just survive from one day to another, among other things.
Also, the feeling of not belonging was mentioned.Thinking: ”It hit really close to home. Mostly I felt like I’d like to help.
The feeling of not belonging is familiar with me.”
”But sometimes I can’t even help myself.”This time of year is not helping.
Even if I use daylight lamp.
And take my nutrient pills.”Bottom’s up!”
I still often feel real tired.”Oh, it is half past eleven already?”
All the hardest things get swept under the rug.
”Maaaaybe I will write those emails some other time…”
”Did my rambles have a point, too? Oh yeah, one can learn to cope with the feeling of not belonging.
And there is people somewhere out there, where one does not feel like an outsider with.Epilogue about drawing this comic:
Thinking: ”Gee, odd flow of consciousness, again!”
Thinking: ”Well, sod it! I’ll do better next time.
On kamala kiire
marraskuu 10th, 2014
Elämän pieniä iloja
marraskuu 10th, 2014
Oudosti tyyni
marraskuu 3rd, 2014
”Guess, what’s dumb? I am worrying over for not being a friend’s favourite roleplayer.”At the moment, I am surprisingly calm.
Had my mental health problems taken over, the situation would be catastrophic.”Boohooaawaaah! I’ll kill myself!”
”In the end, there is nothing I can do to this ’problem’.
Why should I worry?””I guess this is how it feels like to be a functioning, mentally healthy adult.”
Although it would be cool to be someone’s favourite something.
”You are my number one favourite person!”
”Thanks, you are making me blush!”
lokakuu 27th, 2014
Kusti polkee, posti kulkee – vai kulkeeko?
lokakuu 22nd, 2014
”Well, now my postcrossing card expired! Why is not my mail going anywhere!?””I-I-I s-s-st-still d-d-d-don’t k-k-k-kn-know…”
Nootti: Postcrossingissa vanhentuminen tapahtuu kortille, kun se on ollut matkassa 60 päivää. Kun kortti vanhentuu, se avaa uuden lähetyspaikan uudelle kortille. Lähetetyksi kortiksi ei vanhentunutta tietenkään lasketa, koska koodia ei olla rekisteröity vastaanottopaikassa. Vanhentuminen välttää ikävät tilanteet, joissa kaikki korttipaikat ovat täyttyneet korteilla, jotka ovat matkalla ikuisesti.
Note: In postcrossing, a card expires after it has been traveling for 60 days. Expiring opens up a new sending slot, but naturally, an expired card does not count as a sent card, because its code has never been registered by the recipient. Expiring helps to prevent nasty situations where all sending slots are filled with cards that are traveling forever.
Mun blogi, mun säännöt
lokakuu 21st, 2014
Kusti polkee, posti kulkee
lokakuu 17th, 2014
”Kustiii… Why my mail is not going anywhereee…?””I don’t know, and besides, my name is Jaska!”
Olen postcrossaaja.
Tällä hetkellä mulla on ollut kymmenen korttia matkassa n. 6-59 päivää.
Pisimpään matkassa ovat olleet kortit Valko-Venäjälle (59 päivää) ja Turkkiin (45 päivää).I am a postcrosser.
At the moment I have had ten cards traveling for about 6-59 days.
Cards to Belarus (59 days) and Turkey (45 days) have been traveling the longest. -
Keitti yli
lokakuu 11th, 2014
Äkillinen valaistuminen
lokakuu 11th, 2014
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