Category: Elämä
    Page 9
  • Tuulee

    joulukuu 25th, 2015



    ”It’s a little windy outside…”

  • Tule ja osallistu lyriikkasarjikseen!

    joulukuu 3rd, 2015

    Poikkeuksellisesti en tarjoa englanninkielistä käännöstä, koska linkkaamani kappale on suomeksi. Pahoittelen tästä aiheutuvaa haittaa!

    Exceptionally, this comic will not be provided with translation to English, because the song linked is in Finnish. I apologize for the inconvenience!




    En omista videon materiaalia. Videon materiaalit kuuluvat niiden alkuperäisille tekijöille.

  • Verenpaine

    joulukuu 1st, 2015

    ”My blood pressure has not dropped a bit and I am scared!”

    ”I just can’t stop stressing out.”

    ”My body can’t handle the pressure and I will die(*!”

    (*Well, I guess I won’t die immediately tomorrow.

    ”Preferably I would like to jump into a black hole right now.”

  • Takaisin Elämään Ry:n ruokajakelu

    joulukuu 1st, 2015

    ”Hi! My name is Mia, and I am (unashamedly) poor.”

    The start of the month went with very few gigs, because of being sick.

    Living is still taking money.
    [a bundle of receipts and bills]
    To make things easier, I decided to try the food aid of Takaisin Elämään Ry [a local, Christianity based association]
    ”I have visited the food aid distribution at Hyvinkää’s Toimari before.”

    ”- This is an open for everyone food aid every Monday at 12.30 pm. Some people come to queue an hour before the start.
    – Take your own bag.
    – No bullying, shoving or cutting the queue.
    – Let the workers do their thing in peace.”

    Osku: ”There is another queue dedicated to students on Thursdays, at 3 pm. Take your student card or other proof of being a student with you!”
    There was a longer line compared to Hyvinkää’s queue.

    Families with children were put on their own line.

    ”The queue went on pretty fast. I think I got out of there in 15 minutes.”

    ”Although it looked like some people were keeping a spot to their friends, too. I think that is cutting the line, kinda.”
    ”In Toimari of Hyvinkää they used queuing numbers. In here, people got served in order of arriving.”

    From the food aid queue I got:
    – sausage
    – bag of potatoes
    – bag of dill
    – a couple of apples
    – a couple of yogurts and similar milk products
    – a box of large tomatoes
    – …and a small packet of octopus.

    ”Octopus was a bit of  a surprise…”
    [I have never tried it]

    And one was able to take bread from crates by one’s own need.

    ”I might try the food aid queue of Takaisin Elämään Ry again.
    I give three stars out of five, and plus for the fact that yogurts and other milk products were not crushed to the bottom of the bag.”

  • Piippari

    marraskuu 24th, 2015

    ”Osku probably would like this!”
    [I am holding a cat toy which has a noise maker inside]

    At home:
    ”Yeah, that is for you!”
    [toy squeaks]

    ”Oh, Osku is so happy!”
    [toy squeaks]

    At night:

    [Lots of squeaking from the toy]
    Me thinking: ”The dumbest purchase of my life!”

  • Rauhoittavaa

    marraskuu 24th, 2015

    ”I like window shopping.”

    ”There is something soothing in looking at items.”

    ”It does not matter, even if–”

    ”Those are 300 EUR bed sheets!”

  • Akku latautuu

    marraskuu 23rd, 2015

    ”Meeting friends is fun, but battery needs to be recharged.”

  • Rento ja huoleton

    marraskuu 23rd, 2015

    Me thinking: ”Don Rosa would be coming to Finland for a signing gig…”

    ”Okay, remember when it was meant that you’d be more laid-back?”



    ”…And now I go pick a book I want signed!”

    ”So much for being laid-back.”


    Kävi sitten niin, että signeeraukset olivat kirjakaupoissa ja signeerauksen sai vain paikanpäältä ostettuihin kirjoihin. Minulla ei ollut varaa ostaa uusia kirjoja (saati kiinnostusta), joten olin sitten rennosti ja huolettomasti kotona.

    It happened just so, that the signatures were meant for books bought at the stores on signing day. I could not afford anything new (nor did I have interest for the new publications), so I was laid-back at home that day.

  • Kysymyksiä elämästä

    marraskuu 13th, 2015

    ”What even is a business incubator?”
    ”What is burial water?”
    ”Where is everyone?”
    ”Why some stories need to be read in between the lines?”
    ”Why no one can sort their garbage?”
    ”How non-geeks spend their time?”
    ”How could I be more laid-back?”

  • Jätteidenlajittelu: Paperi

    marraskuu 13th, 2015

    10th of November, 2015. Written and drawn by Mia K. Come ask me about sorting of garbage; apt. 40

    Me: ”About sorting the garbage”

    Me: ”If the garbage bin says ’PAPER’, it is not for…”

    NOT FOR:
    – plastic
    – metal
    – glass
    – textiles
    – card board
    – bio waste
    – Anything that is not paper!