Category: Elämä
    Page 26
  • Oudosti tyyni

    marraskuu 3rd, 2014

    ”Guess, what’s dumb? I am worrying over for not being a friend’s favourite roleplayer.”

    At the moment, I am surprisingly calm.
    Had my mental health problems taken over, the situation would be catastrophic.

    ”Boohooaawaaah! I’ll kill myself!”

    ”In the end, there is nothing I can do to this ’problem’.
    Why should I worry?”

    ”I guess this is how it feels like to be a functioning, mentally healthy adult.”

    Although it would be cool to be someone’s favourite something.

    ”You are my number one favourite person!”

    ”Thanks, you are making me blush!”

  • Olen erittäin hyvä, ellen täydellinen

    lokakuu 31st, 2014

    Teksti ylemmässä kuvassa on aika vaikeasti luettavissa, joten tässä on selkeämpänä:
    Kattokaa tota läskipersettä! Höhöö! Läskii! Mä tappaisin itteni, jos oisin noin läski! Höhöhöö! Hei norsu, sirkus on Kaisaniemessä!

    ”Look at that fat arse! Hurhur! Faaaat! I’d kill myself if I was that fat! Hurhurhur! Hey elephant, the circus is in Kaisaniemi!”

    *Thinking*: ”Fat? Well, yeah, but at the same time beautiful, lovely and on the top of that — happy!”

  • Sosiaalinen taidottomuus jatkuu – II

    lokakuu 31st, 2014

    ”I got the email sent. How wonderful, I can now take it easy for the rest of the day.”

    ”Bling! You have mail, LOL!”

    After ten seconds:

    *Thinking*: ”It is a bit dusty in here.”

    *Thinking*: ”Help, what is pressing me!?”

  • Maton alla on rattoisaa

    lokakuu 28th, 2014

    Viitaten yhteen edelliseen sarjikseen –> Klik-klik

    ”What are you doing here, beneath the rug?”

    ”Ummm… Cleaning up?”

    ”Is this some incompetence thing again?”


    ”I can hold the rug up for you, but you really need to crawl out by yourself.”

  • Sosiaalinen taidottomuus jatkuu

    lokakuu 27th, 2014

    Piirustin tällaisen kirjamessuilla, sarjakuvakeskuksen ständillä.

  • Taas se aika kuusta

    lokakuu 27th, 2014

    One day on my way to work:

    ”Have you seen The Shining? Remember the scene with the elevator and blood?
    It is going to happen here, if I can’t get my pads.”


    ”One blue L&M, big, no wait, normal size, no wait, I’ll take Marlboro Gold instead.
    I need two, no, wait, one is enough, hey, where are the mildest beers, and I need a box of matches and maybe even…”

  • Mistä ihmeestä se noita löytää?!

    lokakuu 27th, 2014


    ”You sounded just so guilty that I need to check the situation!”

    The cat had found some plastic covered wire.

  • Tyhjäkäynnillä

    lokakuu 27th, 2014

    *Thinking*: [Blank]

    *Thinking*: ”I just discussed about all possible drawing ideas.
    How come nothing comes out now?”

  • Sosiaalinen taidottomuus

    lokakuu 23rd, 2014

    Last time I went to the meeting of metropolitan area comic bloggers, Hanna-Pirita invited me to visit her place, since I live almost in the neighbour.

    ”And this is the person, whose blog I have read before my ”career” even started!
    This is like Alice Cooper asking one to hang out!

    I felt like tossing myself on the floor to bow and chant I am not worthy.”

    I promised to write some email, so we can arrange a meeting.


    Then I realized a problem;
    last time I have officially visited anyone was a looooong time ago.

    At friends’ places, I just invade.
    I slouch around, read their magazines and ask questions about stuff, etc.
    At parties I don’t behave that way, though.

    ”Does this mag has a quiz?”


    ”Can I fill it, or should I help with cooking?”

    ”Bell peppers could be cut.”

    So, I guess I got a little anxious.

    *Thinking*: ”What am I gonna write? Do I need to bring a present? I would not want to come by, swinging two empty hands.
    I wonder if it’s a problem that I don’t drink coffee or even tea? What if I make a mess? What if I make a fool of myself?”

    The problem is not in Hanna-Pirita, or anyone else for that matter. My own social skills just happen to be, on scale 1-10, -25 and dropping.

    ”Go away, Osku.
    I am sweeping my problems under the rug.”

    No worries, I am trying to get my act together some time soon!

  • Kusti polkee, posti kulkee – vai kulkeeko?

    lokakuu 22nd, 2014

    ”Well, now my postcrossing card expired! Why is not my mail going anywhere!?”

    ”I-I-I s-s-st-still d-d-d-don’t k-k-k-kn-know…”

    Nootti: Postcrossingissa vanhentuminen tapahtuu kortille, kun se on ollut matkassa 60 päivää. Kun kortti vanhentuu, se avaa uuden lähetyspaikan uudelle kortille. Lähetetyksi kortiksi ei vanhentunutta tietenkään lasketa, koska koodia ei olla rekisteröity vastaanottopaikassa. Vanhentuminen välttää ikävät tilanteet, joissa kaikki korttipaikat ovat täyttyneet korteilla, jotka ovat matkalla ikuisesti.

    Note: In postcrossing, a card expires after it has been traveling for 60 days. Expiring opens up a new sending slot, but naturally, an expired card does not count as a sent card, because its code has never been registered by the recipient. Expiring helps to prevent nasty situations where all sending slots are filled with cards that are traveling forever.