• Hammaslääkäri

    elokuu 29th, 2016

    Me: ”I went to the dentist’s check up some time ago. No cavities! (*

    (* I rejoiced too soon, there was one beneath the dental calculus.

    Dentist: ”All your wisdom teeth have come in, but there has been space for them.
    Me: ”Uh huh.”
    Dentist: ”For real, you never have had any fillings made?”
    Me: ”Nope.”
    Me: ”I did not quite have the nerve to admit that sometimes I have taken lousy care of my arsenal.”

    Some years ago:
    Me: ”I can’t manage…”

    Me: ”But now I am going to take some better care! I have xylitol pastilles, dental floss, new toothbrush! I’ll get to the dental calculus removal on August.”

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