• ”Pähkinät”

    heinäkuu 8th, 2015

    ”To avoid thinking of negative things, I wanted to tell you about my favourite nuts.”

    When I was a kid, I hated nuts.

    Only at adult age I have learned to eat peanuts, cashews and Brazil nuts…

    Today I discovered a thing, while I was doing background research.

    ”Not even one of the aforementioned nuts is an actual nut.

    Well, I knew about the peanut already. It is related to peas.

    But the rest are also seeds of fruit and drupes.

    It means I still have not learned to eat nuts.”
    ”So, my favourites  from ”nut-like seeds”!

    Shared third place:
    Almond and peanut

    Second place:
    Brazil nut

    ”Brazil nut can also be rubbed on wooden laminated floors or wooden furniture to fade away light-appearing scratches…”

    First place:

    ”They are delicious when wasabi-spiced!”

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